Starbucks question for starbucks expert...?!
and also i've heard ppl said " 2 shots of.....4 shots of ......" what's that ?? shots of what??? espresso?? can you add flavored shots??
Answers: hi im new to starbucks and i've seen so many ppl who can order drinks at Starbucks with all those long fancy names....and i'm just wondering what kind of hot coffee drink should I order ??? what's the most popular hot coffee drink?
and also i've heard ppl said " 2 shots of.....4 shots of ......" what's that ?? shots of what??? espresso?? can you add flavored shots??
Yes, shots equal espresso.
Standard amount of shots:
Venti-2(hot), 3(iced)
You can add extra pumps of syrup, but be sure to say an "extra pump" or something like "add vanilla" and definitely do not say "an extra flavor shot." Sometimes the barista will be confused and put an extra shot of espresso in your drink.
The most popular hot coffee drink at my Starbucks is a Caramel Macchiato. That is Vanilla syrup, steamed milk, shots poured through the milk, and then topped with a bit of caramel drizzle. It's a fairly strong coffee tasting drink.
Good luck!
Yes you can add flavor shots to your coffee.
well it could mean shots of espresso. Ilike extra shots of espresso in my drinks. I also could mean a extra shot of the flavoring.
Just try a different one each time, in a flavor that sounds good to you. MY favorite , carmel Macchiatos!!! MMMM........ they are tasty!!!! Mochas and white mochas are chocolatey goodness! Give them a try!!!!
Try other coffee shops too.
First, go to a real coffee shop. One owned and operated by a local person. Starbucks is too corporate. Secondly, don't worry about the name. Just order coffee with stuff you like in it.
As for shots... that is usually how much espresso the drink contains. Unless you are really going for a big buzz, or are ordering a huge cup of the stuff, 2 shots should be good.
The standard drink has 2 shots, I THINK. The more shots, the stronger the drink. Then you can get with or without whip, which is whipped cream. Some times people like to indicate what kind of milk (2%, whole, soy), and other stuff. Starbucks has a little brochure that introduces their coffees and explains the ordering. I'msure they all have them. You should pick one up.
be original. order 1 small coffee, milk. none of that venti crap.
It's all in the matter of a person's preference. The more you go, the more your preferences will develop.
If your still not sure, I suggest ordering a different drink everytime you go. You'll know what to get and what not to get as time goes by.
The shots are basically shots of espresso. The bigger the drink size, the more shots are added. If thats not enough, you can add more. It's all about customization at Starbucks, so of course you add a flavor!