Maximum tea bags time?!

Question: On tea bags it says maximum 2-4 minutes in hot water. Why? If I leave the tea bag more time the tea will have a better ("thicker") taste.
Greetings from Greece

Answers: On tea bags it says maximum 2-4 minutes in hot water. Why? If I leave the tea bag more time the tea will have a better ("thicker") taste.
Greetings from Greece

I don't care for my tea that strong, but when I told a friend of mine that leaving the tea bag in longer and then squeezing the bag out will make it stronger and "bitter" , she likes it that way and now drinks tea instead of soda. If you haven't heard this one, I'll quote it for you, "Each to his own, said the lady as she kissed the cow."

I have done it for more time and it is just bitter tasting to me

yes, it has a stronger taste the longer you leave it in. i believe the time limit they refer to is for "best" taste, but that is only an opinion.


in response to hannah.... tea is the MOST consumed beverage on the planet. i assure you he is not the only guy drinking it. it has a lot of health benefits, look it up sometime ;)

2-4 minutes is sufficient to get full flavor from tea bag.
Make sure water is very hot as to bring out full flavor.

If you leave the tea in there it can give you a bitter after taste with some teas, it really just depends on your preferance. Try it if you like the way it taste forget the rules on the tea bag.

Depends how you like it.

For me, I boil the water then pour it in a mug with the tea bag already in the mug. As SOON as the mug fills with water, I draw out the bag. To me, this level of strength is perfect.

I've had friends who used 2-3 tea bags and then NEVER drew them out. They drank the tea with the bags left in until the mug was empty.

I like to leave the teabag in my drink as I drink it, Yes indeedy maximum teabag time.

I know a guy who almost threatens a cup of hot water with a teabag. Whats the point in that?

No offence, Sergio! :)

The tea tastes bests at the recommended time limit. The tea bag can be used a second time for a minute longer. Tea will get a burnt taste or a bitter taste if steeped too long. Depending on what type of tea (black, oolong, green, rooibus, herbal, or white) the tea will need less or more time.

Greetings from California

P.S. lots of men drink tea! It is not a sex oriented drink!

The longer you leave the tea in the water, the more caffiene and the chemicals of the tea will seep out. If you leave the tea in too long, it may become bitter, and you wont want to drink it at all.

Different types of tea should be steeped for different time limits, generally all within a few minutes. Over steeping causes bitter tea. For a stronger taste, use more tea leaves or another tea bag.

Brewing it longer than that increases the tannin levels of the tea, which could make it taste bitter. You might try finding stronger-flavored kinds of tea. Assams would be a good choice:

I think the perfect cup of tea takes 5 minutes to brew.

Oh, and Hannah, no offence but that is a quite strange thing to say. 'o**, you're a guy and you drink tea' Makes no sense. Most men drink tea.

I guess it depends on the kind of tea....longer steeping for Earl Grey ruins it, for me...but for lighter flavors, I find I like to go longer than that.

the instructions on tea bags, or on the box are usually just a guideline. You need to adjust accordingly to your taste. It also depends on what kind of tea it is. All black teas and mostly all herbal teas can use boiling water, and can be steeped up to 6 minutes.. Any longer and you could experience a more bitter tea. it's still drinkable, but just a bit bitter. A lot of people forget about the tea bag after 20 minutes and still drink their tea.

Judging from your instructions, you're probably drinking green tea. Green and white tea for me I like to steep for 1 minute and steep it longer to my taste. Also, I measure the temp of the water. It should not be boiling but should be about 185-180 F Any hotter could result in a bitter taste, but just adjust accordingly. there is no perfect's only perfect to you.

It really depends on your personal taste and preference. The 2 to 4 minutes stated on the box is usually the ideal time to leave it in to get the flavor out. Some people prefer their tea stronger so they leave the bags in longer. There really isn't any right or wrong way about it.

omg ur a guy and you drink tea???

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