Can coffee cause weight gain?!

Question: I drink coffee with Coffee Mate cream and Splenda. I drink about 1 to 2 cups per day. I've heard from some people that coffee speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose weight, and from others I've heard that it actually causes you to gain weight, or prevents you from losing weight.

Obviously the cream has some fat content, but I'm wondering about the whole picture here. If I keep drinking coffee the way I am, caffeine and other affects aside, is it fattening, or no? And if it is, would drinking coffee black also be fattening?

Answers: I drink coffee with Coffee Mate cream and Splenda. I drink about 1 to 2 cups per day. I've heard from some people that coffee speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose weight, and from others I've heard that it actually causes you to gain weight, or prevents you from losing weight.

Obviously the cream has some fat content, but I'm wondering about the whole picture here. If I keep drinking coffee the way I am, caffeine and other affects aside, is it fattening, or no? And if it is, would drinking coffee black also be fattening?

Coffee does not cause you to gain weight. Depending on which kind of coffee you get, a 12oz cup contains anywhere from 3-5 calories. The caffeine in coffee does speed up your metabolism, but you won't have a drastic weight loss.
The cream is where you are going to be getting the calories, but don't worry...there isn't a significant amount in the cream to cause you to gain weight.

People who say coffee makes you gain weight are talking about lattes and other types of coffee drinks. Coffee drinks usually contain lots of milk which equals lots of calories.

Non dairy creamer isn't going to hurt you, but the speeding up of the metabolism is generally thought to make you hungry.
Anyway, it is bad habits like eating junk and not moving that make one gain weight. Simply science, burn more calories than you consume.

No it isn't fattening, unless you are drinking it by the gallon.

Given how little coffee you're actually drinking, it won't really affect your weight at all. Yes, coffee is a stimulant, but it doesn't speed up your metabolism sufficiently to have any real effect on weight loss.

The only way to lose weight is to expend more energy than you consume. A big coffee with milk only contains about 21kcal so unless you're drinking about 50+ cups a day, it's not really going to have any real impact on your weight.

Like everything else...anything is excess is not good for you and can make you gain weight.

With what you are drinking though, it shouldn't have much of an effect on you. Unless you are chasing that coffee with some donuts and pastries and not doing any kind of exercise, you're fine.

Read the ingredients on the Coffee Mate label. The first two ingredients are sugar and vegetable oil. So, there are significant empty calories in it.

I use vanilla flavored soy milk which is actually quite good. Coffee, by itself, has no calories. You can drink it black if your stomach can tolerate it. (Mine can't).

Drink coffee black, dont drink it with milk.

Watch out for anything that has Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). It comes dressed in various clothing sometimes being called citric acid, glutamic acid, etc. This additive alone will cause your taste buds to crave it, thus becoming addicted to the product. Your favorite latte at your favorite chain will have products loaded with MSG. Why do you think that these types of businesses are growing like weeds? For the weight gain, that's a byproduct. Get rid of the source and you get rid of the worry. Either that or you could carry on with an exercise regimen that could keep weight gain under control.

I don't think coffee will make you gain/lose weight. It's all about becoming active.

Coffee by itself doesn't have calories. It is really what you put in your coffee that can be fattening, such as milk (always use nonfat), sugar (Splenda has no real calories), and creamer. I'm sure not all creamers are not created the same. I have a latte everyday (sometimes two) and I use nonfat milk and Splenda. It works on my Weight Watchers as long as I use the nonfat milk and watch how much I eat of other things during the day to balance everything. Using whole milk can add three more points per cup. Be sure to drink plenty of water as coffee can dehydrate you.

If you like flavored coffee, you can can always buy coffee preflavored with natural and artificial flavorings like you use in cooking. According to the government recommendations they are an "insignificant" source of calories and sugars.

You can check out some flavors here and add some nonfat milk to enhance the flavor even more:

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