Is Coca-Cola Zero a safe alternative to Coca-Cola during pregnancy?!
Answers: I love Coca-Cola....but since I found out I was pregnant I wanted to cut out as much sugar and caffeine as possible. So I started drinking Zero. My mother-inlaw suggested that I ask my Dr. if it is safe "...because it has sugar alternatives and other "chemicals" [?] in it." Are there seriously CHEMICALS in sodas? I dont know if her word selection was right. But I want to ask anyway.
I wouldn't drink that. It does have artificial sweeteners and may chemicals. Artificial sweeteners are very dangerous during pregnancy.
If you want to drink soda, drink the regular but only in moderation.
There are chemicals in sodas. Diet sodas have more chemicals than normal, so your better off with regular, but I would recommend 100% juice for something sweet. But milk and water are great too.
Coke Zero still has the same caffeine as Coke, so you won't see any difference there. There's some difference of opinion on whether artificial sweeteners are harmful during pregnancy, so I'd limit consumption to a can or two a day at the most.
You shouldn't have caffine during pregnancy ~ at least that is what I have heard. But Coke Zero has caffine.
The carbonation is caused by an acid. That isn't very good. Try drinking lemonade, or even water.
Don't drink that if you are pregnant.
Stick with healthy drinks water 100% fruit juice!
That's best for your baby.
Homemade nut milk is good too.
I wouldn't expose an inocent being to synthetic garbage.
Fruits, vegetables, proteins and a healthy mom. That's what it needs!
According to the American Pregnancy Association, no amount of caffeine is good for your baby. Coke Zero has caffeine in it too, so although it lacks the sugar, it still has the caffeine. Your baby cannot metabolize the caffeine and affects your babies sleep. Caffeine can also cause birth defects, preterm delivery, reduced fertility, and increase the risk of low-birth weight offspring and other reproductive problems.
Don't take the chance, skip the Coke Zero for now.