How to name a coffee shop?!
Answers: Where is this coffee shop located? Do you have anything or anyone that is special to you, to be included in a name?
If you mean, how to, as far as following the law and making sure you're not infringing on someones trademark, start by contacting City Hall and find out what you have to do locally to register and go from there.
Think of a name, preferably related to the type of shop, make sure there are no others with that name already - name it.
Cleverness and originality count. Register the name with your local department of commerce and tax commission.
Just think of what coffee does to people and how they are in a big hurry to get the morning juice. From my experiences name FAST AND FURIOUS JITTER JAVA.
I was (jokingly) going to suggest Fourbucks, but I like Jitter Java better.
starbucks lol
Try to make it French, romantic, normal, like The Coffee Palace. Something like that.