Does milk actually gives people diarrhea if they drink a large amount of milk?!
Answers: Any answer regarding this question is appreciated.
diarrhea usually comes from something dissolving the food in your system too much, so it becomes liquefied. if im not mistaken, only acids will dissolve the food to that point. milk is basic, not acidic, so the only way it would cause a reaction is if you are lactose intolerant. i drink 4-6 gallons of whole milk a week, and never have any issues.
yes, if you are lactose intolerant
I don't thinks so. I constantly drink milk (up to 7or 8 cups) and I"m just fine.
Some people are lactose intolerant and can have this and other effects from drinking milk.
Unless you are lactose intolerant(me) then it should not bother you. But like drinking a entire gallon my be different than a few glasses.
yes,too much milk will give you the runs,as will any liquid .
Only if they are lactose intolerant.
Some people are lactose intolerant and they will get diarrhea if they ingest any milk product - milk, cheese, ice cream, etc.
It can, and not necessarily a large amount either. Thank goodness for Lactaid.
it gives me that, if you want to see other things about milk go to "", check it out