I really want to make a cup of coffee?!

Question: but i cant cos it'll wake everyone in the house up (its 2.30 am here). what shall i do?!

Answers: but i cant cos it'll wake everyone in the house up (its 2.30 am here). what shall i do?!

drink milk....
im watching telly with ear phones on so i dont wake people up..lol....arnt we considerate people..lol

Have a cold drink instead? Or find the quietest way to boil water, such as microwave it or boil it in a pan on the hob or something.

im getting up to make one now same time with me. tip toe and u wont wake anyone.

Make one anyway - sod he others! It is 02.30 here too (UK)...

Needs must and all that!

try going back to sleep :]]

scream rape........tell them it must have been a nightmare....
then tell them u need a coffee to calm yr nerves.....

You can brew a great cup of coffee easily. Go to any asian market and ask for a one-cup coffee dispenser. It is a stainless steel container that sits on top of a regular coffee cup. You put your coffee in the bottom, spin the strainer on top, and pour hot water to the top. Like brewing tea, it takes a minute to steep, but is delicious and so fresh. They run about $2 and I swear by mine!

So quietly move the coffee maker to another part of the house,close the door and only make one serving.I made it in my workshop where no one could hear at midnight.

I think that doesn′t have hour to drink a cup of coffee.I drink it every hour and every days.I am a coffeemaniac.ahahahah
See you!

Why would it wake everyone up? Just don't let the kettle whistle and don't clank the spoon against the coffee cup.

Just make the coffee feck the others if they wake up
they wake up!!

il have a cup 2 :P

nothing..don't drink it


You've just reminded me what I was going to do half an hour ago before looking at ya.
Shall I do one for you too? Maybe I can email it?

do it quietly, thats my advice, im on yahoo at 3-10am in england, my hubby in bed hes up 5-30 am for work so im tapping my keys quietly, but it does dull his snoringzzzzz. okay,

get a tea kettle and the folgers singles

maybe buy a quiter kettle, and who care's if you wake up everyone in the house, it's their fault for being light sleepers! it's not like your drilling holes in walls or stickin on the stereo on full blast, it's a cup of coffee!

Have a glass of water or just risk it you never know you might not wake everyone

Have u no work tomorrow........

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