For how long is UHT milk good AFTER its opened?!

Question: How long is UHT milk good for AFTER its opened? I left a opened UHT milk carton in the fridge for 3 weeks while i was in vacation, is it bad now? or is it good since UHT last longer than fresh milk?

Answers: How long is UHT milk good for AFTER its opened? I left a opened UHT milk carton in the fridge for 3 weeks while i was in vacation, is it bad now? or is it good since UHT last longer than fresh milk?

UHT (ultra high temperature) milk has a longer shelf life than regular milk, but not frig life. I know that on the side of the box it recommends after being open for 2 weeks it "expires". I went looking online to site my answer, but I only know from reading off the side of a box myself. I hope this helps. I'd throw it out personally.

Taste it and see for yourself

it only lasts longer while its in the carton unopened.. once you open it. its the same as any other milk.. Id give it a week after opening, then toss

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