Best Energy Drink?!
I'm looking more towards actual energy rather than good taste
Answers: I'm addicted and I think the best boost I have ever gotten was from stuff called Celsius...what's your favorite energy drink?
I'm looking more towards actual energy rather than good taste
amp and full throttle have little caffeine in it compared to other energy drinks
commercially available a better choice ...actually the best choice is SOBE NO FEAR
that provides better quality ingredients and more of it
second choice can be monster assault ( not that bad )
good ones that work for me are Full Throttel and Monster.
ive tried them all - even the little power shot drinks - and red bull is what does it for me.
AMP has a solid taste as does the new Rockstar Blue it combines lots of flavors you would expect in a Juice but also a bit of Ginseng and other things that give it an amazing taste. Amp is great but its extremely carbonated and has a lot of sugar it also is made from Mountain due which can lower your sperm count.
i've heard that "5 hour energy" is the best one...i think you can get it at any liquor store (it's about 4 to 6 ounces, and it's in a red bottle) even has a warning on the bottle stating that you should only drink half of the bottle your first time, because you may not have the tolerance for it.....
it'll definitely give you the energy you need
Rockstar and Monster do it for me; however, I'm trying to cut down.
What's wrong with good old fashioned Lucozade?