Whats the difference between drinking TAP water or BOTTLE water?!
Answers: woud you see a difference in health??
The cost. Bottled water is so expensive. There is nothing wrong with drinking tap water. The Health Departments and Water providers constantly check all of the levels (chlorine, turbidity, fluoride if added etc) of tap water. Tap water is fresher than bottled because it is a constant moving supply. Who knows how long a bottle of water has been sitting on the supermarket shelf. The testing for tap water is a lot tougher than the testing for so called "pure water".
About a pound a bottle,tap water is 99.9 percent pure and is a lot cheaper.
Tap water is cheaper and probably fresher(in the uk)
tap is deffo better much more healthier because its full of minerals
Tap water is cleaner.Difference in cost.
i'm not too sure, but i know where i am that my tap water contains fluoride which is good for your teeth.
Probably not, but you could always filter the tap water.
Bottled costs about 1000 times more or something than the equivalent volume of tap water.
According to a programme I saw last year none, as they were bottling tap water...........how would you know what you were drinking????????????
water is only safe after it has been turned into beer.
Tap water isnt filtered. =]
Tap water contains fluoride,which is healthy for your teeth,most city tap water is perfectly fine to drink.It`s the bottled water companies brain washing us all into buying their supposedly *glacier* water,that's actually city water to begin with or well water .
With tap water you are stealing from peopelt aht need it ,please tery to stop drinking bottled water unless in China of course
the calories i think
some people say tap water is more healthier than bottle water...but they both taste the same to me!
Tap water has no salt content, bottled water does. have a look on the label.
Tap water you get for no extra charge, other than your water bill if you pay one. In most areas it tastes fine. Bottled water you pay a lot for...can't see any extra health benefits in it.
depends on how bad your tap water is, most bottle water is tap water that has been filtered, why not try a filter that screws on your faucet tap
Bottled water is usaully twice filtered tap water.
as long as the public drinking water is to standards--no diffrence health wise other then bottle water has been filtered of chlorine--people need to get a grip on this bottle water mess--millions of plastic bottles thrown away every year--
Where I live not even my cat would drink it, so I stay clear of it. I just use the cheapest bottled water available, at 17p for 2 litres I think it's worth it.
It depends on where you live. If your tap water is safe to drink, and you like the taste, then the only difference is that bottled water costs more!
Depends entirly where you live ! Some places taped water comes with tadpoles ! And I have had the experience of retrieving a small fish from taped water. Honest
The whole idea of 'you must drink water' is being played down by many 'experts'. They now say that you can include tea and coffee in the recommended fluid intake per day. I think the whole idea of designer water has been propogated by commerce.
good question, i'd say the tap water would be more fresh (as everyone else has stated. but i'd prefer tap water any day! x
None at all. Its the biggest marketing con EVER!
Tap water is cheaper and probably fresher
the difference is one comes from the tap the other is 10, 000 times more expensive, and is wrapped.
it is fillterd and chilled and it is in a bottle not a glass
Tap water is cheaper but you get chemicals in your body from drinking it that aren't healthy and that you should not intake. It's not fresher, despite popular belief. Bottled water comes in two types. Distilled/purified water is just expensive tap water. Spring water is much better for you. Where I live, tap water is not safe to drink.
If anything, bottled water is worse for you. Carcinogens in the plastic leech into the water over time. I would stick with tap or filtered tap.
Most bottled water comes from the same community type resources that plain tap water comes from unless it is specificallly labeled "spring water." In that case, spring water must come from fresh water springs.
There is no caloric difference as all water is calorie-free unless there are additives that add calories.
There is no difference in mineral content--unless the bottled water has been fortified with added minerals.
Bottled water is filtered and non-fluorinated, but tap water is treated to remove impurities, i.e. chlorine. Fluoride is added to tap water to help promote tooth help.