Instant tea?!
Answers: I need instant tea for a recipe. would that be like iced tea mix? or is it something different? if so were could i buy some?
instant tea is in a jar.. like coffee but its tea.. and not in a bag.. you can get in where the tea is sold at ur local grocery store..
nestea is instant it's with the teabags
target???hmmm wally world??
They have ALL kinds of instant tea at the grocery store.
okay...i should know being american.
u can buy america.
or the better, homemade version.
u know, steeping tea bags and adding sugar, then cooling.
good luck
It's tea that you just stir in. It would be by the tea in your grocery store. Usually comes in a jar like container.
isn't it a powder tea?
I am assuming they mean instant tea in the jar. I buy Lipton instant tea, unsweetened. You can pick it up at any grocery store or discount store like Walmart.
the one you need is the tea that you get from giant or any grocery store. it is in a tin can, and it will say instant tea on it. it is a powder.
yeah it's iced tea mix and you could get ir from walmart. the best kind i think is Lipton but that's kind of hard o find in powder
you can get QT instant tea in the poundland shops Its cheaper but they do it in supermarkets too. Its obvs £1 in poundland but in supermarkets its about £1.59 or £1.89 depending where you go
Brown glass and gold label...quite distinctive
Iv never heard of a recipe where you would use it tho... but I guess I dont know everything... not yet a while anyway hahahahahahaha!!!
Cut 4 tea bags and put on ceramic plate. Preheat oven to 200 degrees and put Plate and tea on top shelf, close door and turn off oven. Next day grind tea to powder. Use for your recipe. You do have a mortar and pistol, right?
nestea sells some instant tea. YOu may need to add sweetener, or they have diet which contains non-sugar sweeteners. YOu can pick it up at any grocery store.
can nestea is almost instant just open and drink glug glug