Why do Redbull drinks have 'maximum 2 a day' sign? Is is because there is a dangerous chemical in it? Or ...!
Answers: There is also signs on the back of other energy drinks too.
The chemicals aren’t dangerous, but there's plenty of caffeine in them, which you don't need in huge quantities.
Generally speaking, that posting is a hedge against the unknowns of energy drinks. Manufacturers put compounds in them that have not really been tested other than for safety in small doses. Not much is known about things like ginseng or guarine or ginkovoodoobullcrapzinger or whatever (despite what the packaging seems to say).
They're playing it safe for their own liability, and so should you.
Red Bull is not Kool aide, it has guarana in it, and too much can throw you into irregular heartbeat...I have seen people bouncing off the walls after about 6 jagerbombs. Im a bartender and Im telling you, its not Kool aide. The warnings are there for a reason!
I think it just depends on how much a person can handle, and 2 seems about average. I can drink about four a day, but I won't because I don't need it.
Any energy drink is unhealthy.
Just a few days ago I read a magazine article in which a guy who regularly drank Red Bull had 8 in one day, and after the 8th, had a massive heart attack and nearly died.
You can't have huge amounts of whatever and still get away with it! The amount of caffiene caused his heart to work too hard, the guy was apparently very fit, the average person would've died instantly from the heart attack. He was in an induced coma in hospital for a few days while he recovered, then woke up and said "What happened?". This guy was only about 26.
Yep...too much caffeine. My boyfriend had a low-carb Rockstar and his heart beated irregularly...it wasn't until he saw the labels and saw that it had 50% more caffeine than the regular rockstars.