Gatorade? Whats wrong?!

Question: I drank a bottle of Gatorade, and i went to the bathroom 3 times already. Why is this??? Is there something in it that makes u urinate?

Answers: I drank a bottle of Gatorade, and i went to the bathroom 3 times already. Why is this??? Is there something in it that makes u urinate?

Are you used to drinking that much liquid? You may have had to just because your body is used to consuming a certain amount of liquid, and you surpassed that amount already. No big deal. Just be careful drinking a ton of Gatorade unless you are working out because it does have a lot of calories and a lot of sodium. It's not that bad, but just don't make it the only thing you drink.

no, its called a regular body function. how big was it?

no. its just a coincedence. this happened to me once and i went to the doctor but it wasnt about the gatorade. just keep enjoying that bootle.

no that happens to me too, it makes my stomach feel crappy as well, theres something in it that isnt good for your system, i know what you mean.

Gatorade has TONS of sodium in it. I wouldn't reccomend drinking it frequently.

no depends on what bottle you had.... tiny, small, mediun, large, or the huge one!!

Because your body has more energy and it has more energy to get the food out of your body

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too sweet, yuck.

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