What are the ingredients of coca cola?!

Question: * Ingredients:
o 1 oz caffeine citrate
o 3 oz citric acid
o 1 fl oz extract vanilla
o 1 qt lime juice
o 2? oz flavoring
o 30 lb (14 kg) sugar
o 4 fl oz fluid extract of coca (decocainized flavor essence of the coca leaf)
o 2? gal water
o Caramel sufficient

* Flavoring:
o 80 Oil orange
o 40 Oil cinnamon
o 120 Oil lemon
o 20 Oil coriander
o 40 Oil nutmeg
o 40 Oil neroli
o 1 qt alcohol

Answers: * Ingredients:
o 1 oz caffeine citrate
o 3 oz citric acid
o 1 fl oz extract vanilla
o 1 qt lime juice
o 2? oz flavoring
o 30 lb (14 kg) sugar
o 4 fl oz fluid extract of coca (decocainized flavor essence of the coca leaf)
o 2? gal water
o Caramel sufficient

* Flavoring:
o 80 Oil orange
o 40 Oil cinnamon
o 120 Oil lemon
o 20 Oil coriander
o 40 Oil nutmeg
o 40 Oil neroli
o 1 qt alcohol

Carbonated Water and Corn Syrup. The flavorings are "Secret".

A closely guarded secret of course!

I think its copyrited...

Pepsi and water!
Sorry but that is a well guarded secret!

It is a protected secret...Only they know all of the ingredients.

Vegetable extracts, it always says that on the bottle but it's not really specific. Plus you can find bits of fish gelatine too, not only in cola but most fizzy drinks too.

it contains coca and cola..lol

Water, Lots and lots and lots and lots of acids, syrup, food colouring

mostly bubbles

Sugar water and colouring,And more sugar.

"Coca Cola Concentrate" and water.

A whole load of crap and a secret ingredient.

But, only 5 (or something like that) Coca Cola executives know the secret ingredient, and they're never allowed to travel together, in case something happens, and they all die. So they all have to take different planes etc.

God. Then the world would be without Coca Cola. What would happen then?

I know. Pepsi would take over. LOL.

But even so. Coca Cola is nicer than Pepsi. Stick your tongue into a glass of Pepsi. You can always tell the difference. It BURNS.

Carbonated water, sugar, caramel colouring, caffeine. Oh, and apparently a large amount of phosphoric acid, which is why it's so good for cleaning stuff. And the mystery veg extracts, which can't be that much of a mystery if Pepsi and most supermarkets also have the recipe.

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