Does coffee taste as good as it smells?!

Question: i know it tastes good, but it smells so much i weirdness?

Answers: i know it tastes good, but it smells so much i weirdness?

Your body has five basic senses which are sight, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling. Freshly ground coffee effects two of these senses, taste and smell.

The fresher the coffee, the better it smells and this will impact your reaction to the taste as well. People that can't smell very well will not enjoy the same cup of coffee as someone with a good sense of smell.


I think it is an acquired taste. I love to drink coffee and the smell of coffee. But I didn't when I was younger.

no. lol it's bitter when black. but if you add milk and sugar, it tastes milder.

I love the smell better than some coffe. I don't know why though.

especially with a dash of boooze

I love the smell of coffee, but the taste is horrid.

Coffee smells good, but tastes nasty.

If you add milk and sugar, it means you don't like coffee. You like milk and sugar. Changes the flavour drastically.

I don't personally think it's all that great. I prefer cappucinos and hot chocolate to plain coffee, I find it to be seriously overrated. : ]

well, i love the way coffee smells. and i love the way GOOD coffee tastes. but a lot of people can't stand the taste of coffee, but really like the way it smells.

eww i dont like coffie taste but i love the smell..lolz maybe when im older i will??


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