How to stop drinking soda?!

Question: i am conteplaiting quitting drinking soda because i KNOW its SO bad for you. i drink somewhere around 2 cans of caffine free pepsi a day.

- are there any tips for quitting?
- any sodas i can drink that are okay for you?
- what to drink when i am craving a soda?

oooh and by the way: my favorite drink in the wholeeeeee world are slurpees. and i DEFINATLY cannot stop drinking those.
anything here would help.

Answers: i am conteplaiting quitting drinking soda because i KNOW its SO bad for you. i drink somewhere around 2 cans of caffine free pepsi a day.

- are there any tips for quitting?
- any sodas i can drink that are okay for you?
- what to drink when i am craving a soda?

oooh and by the way: my favorite drink in the wholeeeeee world are slurpees. and i DEFINATLY cannot stop drinking those.
anything here would help.

The easiest way is to start with limiting yourself to 1 soda a day. Then try half a day - find someone to share a can with, or buy bottles and drink half a glass maybe.
And then reduce to 1 soda in two days and keep going like that.
Try drinking more water, or juice, or iced tea.. maybe even some frappuccinos. Try drinking a variety of drinks so you don't get addicted to a new one ;)

Dont put it in your mouth.

Try juice.

They are not all that bad for you. Life is not worth living without them.

Soda is really bad for you and DON'T drink diet because it has coolent that goes in cars in it.

stop buying it and order tea or something at resturant, subsitute soda for water whenever you can. But I carried around a big thing of water and I put water bottels in my car and I hardly drink soda anymore..

good luck

Replace it with seltzer bubbly, tastey but healthy, these days everyone should become healthy

Find a type of juice that you really, really like. Always have it in your fridge. Have a soda once in awhile, but most have the time have some juice. Try talking to your family to cut down on the soda. =)

Well I mean your drinking a crap product.... Caffeine Free Pepsi. What a loser. At least drink something good man, Like a ice cold Coca Cola ...... mmmmmm Nothing like a Coke.

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