Chocolate Nesquick?!

Question: There are rumors going around saying that chocolate milk from Nesquick can cause cancer. Have any have you heard of this before?

Do you think this can be true?

Answers: There are rumors going around saying that chocolate milk from Nesquick can cause cancer. Have any have you heard of this before?

Do you think this can be true?

Absolute b.s. It's almost totally sugar and cocoa powder. I know- I used to work for Nestle. I am
familiar with the formula, the process, and above all
the high quality standards.
These kinds of rumors are more than dangerous:
they threaten reputations.

ive never heard of this before

haven't heard anything about nesquick being cancerous.

Oh man I sure hope not...

I doubt it. apparantly everything causes cancer. just don't drink it if you think it might be true.

No, haven't heard that.
I switched to Ovaltine in the Blue can. It has vitamins!
I was a Nesquick kid and i don't have cancer....yet.

No it is not true i drink nesquick it doesnt cause cancer

No way, I had it all the time when i was a kid
and still do
i dont have cancer

Who started that rumor, Hershey? Standing on the corner on a nice day in New Jersey, now that is cancer causing behavior. Does anyone stop doing it?

i believe any determined scientist can forge the data to make any thing a carcinogen

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