Anyone else hooked on the Crystal Light on the go packets like i am?!

Question: I love those little things--most useful invention since the cellphone!

Answers: I love those little things--most useful invention since the cellphone!

My hubby is addicted to them!
I like them too, but can only use 1/2 packet for a bottle, it's sooo sweet.

I drank those while I was pregnant. After I gave birth, I'm still drinking them.

Definitely! Their awesome

honestly I used to love them but they have apartame in them which is not good!

I go the cheap way and buy the tubs from WalMart (under $2 compared to almost $4) ... they have lots of flavors like grape, peach, rasperry ice, tea, peach tea, orange early rise (which tastes just like Tang), etc ... (these are the tubs that will make 64oz, not the little packets you add to a 16 or 20oz bottle). I love them :) I am on the phone all day at work and they help me stay hydrated. Raspberry Ice is my FAVORITE.

I prefer meth

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