What did they change the name of the energy drink cocaine, if they've even changed it yet?!

Question: i love that stuff but the store i used to get it at closed and i havnt seen it any where else. can any1 help me?

Answers: i love that stuff but the store i used to get it at closed and i havnt seen it any where else. can any1 help me?

i have actually saw it with the same can and same design with no name on it. it had a little label-like cover and said insert name here below it... so therefore i dont think it is named yet...just look for a can with the same small design and same colours...

i dont know about a name change but the problem was with the name. People felt that it would be teaching the younger generation bad habits and turn them into a n energy drink junkie

I imagine they changed it over the controversy of the name, also its kind of a stupid name from a business perspective because it just makes their product look like something illegal, like a drug.

Personally I'm sick of this 'energy drink' craze so I hope they get sued and go bankrupt. Plus those things are a ripoff anyway, like $3 for a coke-sized can.

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