Who's favourite drink is water?!

Question: I just love water, its my favourite drink, and its there from the tap!!

Imagine instead of water, our taps had orange juice, that'd be weird..
but anyway.

Answers: I just love water, its my favourite drink, and its there from the tap!!

Imagine instead of water, our taps had orange juice, that'd be weird..
but anyway.

I do love it but it's probably not my fave drink.
by the way i've also often pondered that orange juice idea!

My friend Jack.

i like cake.... but that will never squeze out of a tap!


God bless Water.... If we only had pure water..... damn i still love it!!!

hot black coffee!

i do

gross!!! water is the most disgusting thing to drink! i cant even have it, even when forced, its plain and gross!!! i am dehyrated from it but oh well

fish xx

yeah it is my favourite and you never can run out of water, i like it with ice in or water that has been in the fridge for a while

Not only is water my favorite beverage of choice, I believe it's my bodies favorite. I prefer it icy cold, but it's enjoyable no matter what the temperature. On some mountain land I did own, there was a spring I love to drink from. A pipe stuck into the spring provided cool clear water.

i like that aquafina alive water, the pomegrante berry flavored one is pretty good. never loved water so much until i tried this :)

I go through phases with water. I either love it and cant get enough of it or hate it!

For some weird reason though, I can only drink it and enjoy it when its really cold and from a bottle, preferably the sqeezy ones!

I love water, but beer too

Drink water? Why? Fish do very unpleasant things in it.

me! i try to avoid soft drinks as they are bad for health.
fruit juice are good but only if they are freshly made.

yes its one of my favourites

It's not my favourite drink. But I seem to drink lots of it.....

i wouldnt mind rosbacher flavoured spring water has it has plenty of calcium and magnesium.

water is definitely my favourite and I'm in agreeance with some of the other contributors the colder the better but did you know that drinking very cold water can actually help you loose weight because it takes more calories to absorb cold water into your body to convert it to body temperature..good eh!


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