How can You Explain how water tastes like on an assessment?!

Question: I need to discribe how reguler water tastes,like right from the sink.Not anything extra added...I cant explain what water tastes like.

Answers: I need to discribe how reguler water tastes,like right from the sink.Not anything extra added...I cant explain what water tastes like.

refreshing, wet, sometimes has a taste of minerals. Well water has a distinct taste that is different from city water that is chemically treated. Tough question I know this isn't the best answer

if anybody ask then i will give him or her a glass of water and let them drink and know the feeling so no need to explain. becoz taste of water i cant explain if u can plz ?

Anyone with a well on their property can give you a drink of natural untouched water.

Water tastes like the minerals it contains. If it has a lot of iron it well taste metallic. If it contains salt, it well taste salty & briney, but if it contains sulphur it will taste & smell like rotten eggs.

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