Do you like coke or pepsi better?!

Question: Which is better?

Answers: Which is better?

PEPSI... it just taste better.



Nothing but Coke for this Georgia gal. Pepsi is an abomination.

pepsi..its a more flavoury than coke..

I think Coke tastes better. I won't drink Pepsi.

Coke because its taste does not give way after your tenth sip.


Pepsi because it tastes better.

coke because it tastes less sweet

for regular i choose coke. because it has better flavor. For diet, i choose pepsi. Because w/ diet coke, it doesn't have any flavor and its just gross.

coke becuse it has a better taste



coke not as bad an aftertaste as pepsi and doesnt taste flat as quick


Coca Cola - Tastes good even after the carbonation has fizzled away and Pepsi is too sweet

diet coke... don't know exactly why, but tried it one day and could never go back.

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