Do you think 8 year old Coca Cola is still safe to drink?!

Question: For Christmas 1999 I got a "collector's set" of Coca Cola I guess you could call it, 6 traditional glass bottles with Cola in them and beer-bottle type caps that say "1999 Edition." I drank 3 bottles and kept the remaining 3.

The cap says AU2100RVD so it's definately past expiry (August 21, 2000... unless it means August year 2,100.) Is that more for legal purposes than anything else?

I imagine it has completely lost all the fizz, but it still LOOKS okay to drink. Do you think it's safe to do so? I realize the taste will have diminished to some degree.

Alternatively, what value would be assigned to such an unopened 8 year old bottle of Coke? What about 3 unopened bottles, 3 empty bottles that still have their caps, and the paper box/crate with handle that they came in? Say if I were to put it up on eBay, what do you think I'd get?

I hold no one responsible for their opinions regarding the safety of drinking expired Coca Cola.

Answers: For Christmas 1999 I got a "collector's set" of Coca Cola I guess you could call it, 6 traditional glass bottles with Cola in them and beer-bottle type caps that say "1999 Edition." I drank 3 bottles and kept the remaining 3.

The cap says AU2100RVD so it's definately past expiry (August 21, 2000... unless it means August year 2,100.) Is that more for legal purposes than anything else?

I imagine it has completely lost all the fizz, but it still LOOKS okay to drink. Do you think it's safe to do so? I realize the taste will have diminished to some degree.

Alternatively, what value would be assigned to such an unopened 8 year old bottle of Coke? What about 3 unopened bottles, 3 empty bottles that still have their caps, and the paper box/crate with handle that they came in? Say if I were to put it up on eBay, what do you think I'd get?

I hold no one responsible for their opinions regarding the safety of drinking expired Coca Cola.

I drank one of those at thanksgiving ( one from 2000) and it didn't hurt me any=] i think the glass preserves it better then plastic or aluminum making it last long

Yep, it's fine. The expiration date is just for taste, basically.

Well I wouldnt drink it of ot had mould in but try opeing it if it fizzs I would say safe

i don't think its a good idea but i really don't think it could hurt you or make you sick. it will just not taste like coke maybe.

it's air sealed -- so as long as it hasnt been opened, it is *safe* to drink, but it will probably be very nasty.........but it's a collectors set! are you kidding me? those things go for crazy ammounts to hardcore collectors, i say hold on to them for a few more years and then ebay them, DONT drink them

SELL IT ON EBAY!!!! Collectors love this stuff. Look on Ebay for similar items and what was paid for them (on Lt column of your search page, click "completed listings" to see what sold and for how much)

Why would you WANT to drink it?

well the contents are under pressure, and sealed in an air tight canister, so bacteria growth has probably been slowed. coke does have corn syrup in it, which is a natural food, and anything natural will eventually decompose.

aside from science, id drink it! and ebay well...ive sold some odd things with odd prices put it up on auction some collector will jump on it im sure. bout 20 bucks if not more.

If there's no mold, it's safe, but it'll probably be flat.

As far as collector value, very little. 8 years old is not old, they made tons of it, and you've got half opened half not. Not worth much. Maybe in fifty more years, but not even then, if everybody who has it now saves it.

Yeah its not going to be bad for you. The expiration date is just for the taste, which isn't going to be effected much. Who knows? It may taste better when its older, kinda like liquors and wines!

Coca Cola isn't safe to drink even when it's NEW.

Do you have any idea what the stuff does to your teeth and stomach, not to mention all that sugar and the chemicals?

Do you feel lucky?

I would think that it's absolutely UNSAFE to drink. Although I understand, the date is for legal purposes, 8 years old is pushing it. Everything has chemicals in it and as time goes on they break down.
As far as ebay, you never know, it's more luck than anything. Whose looking for what and when and if you are offering it. However I would think that a clean bottle with the cap would on a whole, have more value than bad soda along with it!

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