How do you buy your sodas? cans? 2 liters? plastic bottles? etc?!

Question: and why?

Answers: and why?

Cans....taste better...Light can affect the soda and its taste.

cans , they taste the best that way

we buy cans because they're small and we don't drink a lot of it, so it doesn't go flat

I buy different every week,,,,it is whatever is on sale..

cans because sometimes we cant finish it all & if we sometimes buy the big bottle. the taste goes away it wont be like when u first open it. After you open the plastic bottles a few time, i think the co2 goes away or something & make it has no more bubbles :)

Cans here--I agree that light affects taste, so I do not bother buying liters, etc.

6 pack cans-I take them with me when I go to work-a 2 Liter would be too bulky to drink from.

I buy cans but if I invite people over to eat and drink I buy the liters it saves a couple of bucks. I prefer the cans .

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