Have you ever drunken black coffee?!

Question: If so what did or do you think of it?

Answers: If so what did or do you think of it?

It is how I prefer my coffee. You get the best taste that way, with no milk or sugar added!

made correctly, i loved it
made incorrectly, need to add stuff to it

didnt like it much got to have milk


Yes, I DRINK black coffee all the time. You get used to it.

I can't coffee with milk so I always drink black coofee

too strong 4 me to handle:-P i like milk and sugar in mine for sure

i like my coffee like i like my women, hot and bitter.

drinkin' a cup of "black joe" right now usually drink a pot to or two a day going to die of something one day mines well enjoy the good things while you can

2 and a coo for me

Even made correctly, black coffee is still a little too bitter for me.

Yes i've drank it!

I can drink it... i just get used to it after abit, plus it really wakes me up...

However, i think i'll always prefer "cafe con leché" as they say in Spain. I think anyway :S


I've only drunk black coffee for the last 23 years !!!
Can't stand it with Milk or cream in anymore!!!

its not so bad with half a tea spoon a little extra suger an your sorted

I have drunken black coffee when I had no milk at home. I didn't mind it, bit strong for me. I prefer it with milk - although thats a bit silly cos I only use skimmed milk!

Only when I added brandy!

Yes & no!

I have "drank" black coffee for over 30 years!
It wakes me up everyday!"

I love it! The only way to know "it!"

i drink it all the time, its great!

been drinking black coffee every day for past 50 yrs cant stand tea or milk

Made me chuckle when I read this, because ever since I was 20; I am now 38, I only ever drink black coffee! Even if a drop of milk went into it, I will be sick - bizzar, I know. There have been times that I put too much coffee in and then I feel really very shaky.

I like mine not too weak, but not strong - yuck!

Drink nothing else now, always used to have milk and a sugar but my taste changed.

yes, i drink black coffee almost every day. i just had some this morning. i don't use milk or sugar. i also had a black 4 shot americano today, i like those better than regular coffee.

That is the only way I drink my home roasted coffee.
Others coffee's...Usually have to drowned them in milk to hide the burnt or rancid oil tastes.

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