Natural Spring Water As Last Resort?!

Question: Where is nearest natural spring water resurgence for reader?
Is it in walking distance or not. Would you drink it after boiling
for 3 minutes? Would you wager same spring being present if conventional piped water and over-counter stock proved unavailable? My nearest is 10 minute walk to meadow seep now used by wildlife. Yes, I could boil it. Might have to dig
to expolit same seep in drought conditions.

Answers: Where is nearest natural spring water resurgence for reader?
Is it in walking distance or not. Would you drink it after boiling
for 3 minutes? Would you wager same spring being present if conventional piped water and over-counter stock proved unavailable? My nearest is 10 minute walk to meadow seep now used by wildlife. Yes, I could boil it. Might have to dig
to expolit same seep in drought conditions.

my nearest is a 20 minute walk and i could boil it i guess, but i don't know if that's gonna happen

i wouldn't worry about that unless ww3 started...

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