Coke or p?!

Question: is coke and pepsi the same?which one is better?

Answers: is coke and pepsi the same?which one is better?

Pepsi because i`m a driver for you can say i`m a pepsi dealer not a coke dealer.

Pepsi all the way. Coke i think is too sweet..

Coke is my preference. They're very different. Personally I hate the aftertaste of Pepsi.


diet coke only.

I think coke is better. Less sweet taste i guess. Less calories than pepsi..The original cola recipe.

Coke. No question. Coke Zero works also.

Either/Or but if diet only Coke


No No & Yes Yes
These are not same in a way that these are packaged differently and taste differently and different formula of preparation.

These are same in the manner that these contain high sugars (killing you), very high content of carbon dioxide ('killing you'), phosphoric acid ('killing you' & solublises your bones). For more info visit

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