What's the best and quickest way to make coffee in a two person caffietiere. A metal one. Seemed simple in Ita!

Question: ly, but I can't get it right here. Could someone please simply remind me of how they work and what goes where. (Sorry if that sounds like a sex question!!) I just can't wait for a decent cup of coffee, but I don't know about you the ones in bottles are shiiiite tasting.

Answers: ly, but I can't get it right here. Could someone please simply remind me of how they work and what goes where. (Sorry if that sounds like a sex question!!) I just can't wait for a decent cup of coffee, but I don't know about you the ones in bottles are shiiiite tasting.

sooo... we're all confused about whether you have a french press (usually glass, aka cafetiere, can't remember how you spell it) or an italian stove-top mocha type coffee maker

- never ever wash any part of it with soap or detergent

Stove top gives you a lovely expresso, thus:
- water in the bottom - do NOT overfill
- the little reservoir in the middle needs to be full but not spilling over or squashed down
- keep your eye on it - do NOT let it boil dry, or your coffee will taste of burnt rubber.

Cafetiere is for a bigger mug of coffee:
- hot water in the pot, sloosh it round, dump (temperature is everything, you must warm the pot); put kettle back on
- coffee in: one generous scoop per human plus one for the put
- boiling water straight in, stir like buggeration
- put the lid on and push the mesh down until it is JUST ABOVE the level of the water; sit the top cover nicely on
- wrap a tea towel round it (temperature is still everything!)
- wait four minutes, plunge the plunger, and imbibe


Get the correct type of ground coffee, place in bottom of cafetiere, pour in boiling water....leave to peculate and then push down strainer onto top of coffee grounds and pour.....

I use a french press and it works pretty well. I think better than most coffee machines.

Take the lid off with the metal mesh attached to it.

Put the filter coffee in the bottom, add water just below boiling temp, stir.

Pull the metal mesh on the lid upto the top and put the lid on with the plunger sticking right out of the top.

After 5 mins, slowly push the plunger down and pour the coffee.

Ok..pour boiling water in it and leave to stand for a couple of minutes to warm the pot (and the cups too).

Empty the water, and put in 4 heaped dessertspoons of ground coffee. * add water just off the boil* to an inch below the lip* Leave for 5 mins or more if you prefer it stronger.

depress the tall stem into the pot to push the grounds down. This stops it brewing further.

2 sugar cubes for me..and cream of course.


Fill the reservoir with cold water.
Place the filter on top.
Place your coffee in the filter part and place it on the stove..if you are using regular ground coffee, put 2 rounded tsp per cup. Put the top on and make sure it is tight.. Do not fill the water above the little steam hole on the side. Is it a french press or the italian style?

yeah use the french stuff lol i love it it is quick and easy!

it is difficult to respond to hyphaneted language. is it Boston or Seattle accent? anyway, no offence. i think it is a great idea to have sex (if you can get it up, that is) over coffee or expresso and go italian. dont you think? enjoy while you can.

It depends on how strong your coffee is. For a coffee with a strength of 3 I would put in 3 of the coffee measures (it comes with the caffetiere). This is one spoonful for each cup & one for the pot! you need to pull the whole insides (lid & filter assembly)out & place your measure of coffee in. Pour in enough boiling water to just cover the coffee & stir. Leave for about 30 secs then pour the rest of the water in. leave about 2 inches at the top & replace the lid etc( with the plunger raised. Wait for a couple of minutes and depress the plunger slowly. Your coffee should now be ready to drink.

Hope this helps.

honney get a rgular coffee pot pour water in it and then buy whole bean coffee and a grinder but make sure you buy a good brand of whole bean coffee like Milestone or Stasrbucks coffee grind about 4-5 table spoon fuls of beans and then put it in your filter turn on the machine and wait for it to brew....... the best tasting coffee EVER

I hear ya'!
I love Espresso!
"Short", strong & Dark!

Most americans will not relate!
They will now accuse! Violation # ?
Yet, I am talking "coffee!"

When you find the best method, please let me know? xo

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