Does anybody like mcdonalds vanilla shakes?!

Question: i got one today and it had some sort of yellow fluid in it. they said it's the syrup of the milk shake. huh?? lol

Answers: i got one today and it had some sort of yellow fluid in it. they said it's the syrup of the milk shake. huh?? lol

yea i guess it is because iasked the same question loil so i told them to put me oreos in it because i couldnt look at the yellow fluid lol please vote for me as best answer
thank you

You know what, I've never had one. But Carls Jr. milshakes are real good;)

I've always been a little sketchy about their milkshakes. I once had one that tasted like it should not have tasted.

They're not milk shakes. There's not enough milk in them to be called that.

I like them. I don't drink them, because I'm trying to avoid diabetes.

i tried one and I thought it was alright. Its not something that i would get again though (i prefer ice creme instead...)

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