Best Tasting Fake Milk?!
Answers: What taste more like real milk?: Soy milk, rice milk, almond milk, or coconut milk? Also, if you are very lactose intolerant, can you drink goat's milk instead?
I can tell you from experience that goats milk has lactose even more so than regular. I am lactose intolerant and prefer the lactose free milks like lactaide. tried rice and soy milk, they have a gritty texture and personally the flavor is bad. coconut milk is actually good but doesn't contain the calcium that you need daily. haven't tried almond milk but I am game to try it. I am always looking for an alternative.
Rice milk isn't too bad and to me tastes ok in tea,but I do prefer cows milk.
wow..I didn't know there were different kinds of milk out there like that..I would just stay with the regular