Is it true that diet coke disintegrates your bones?!

Question: People say it dose and I drink it every day,is it true?If so how?

Answers: People say it dose and I drink it every day,is it true?If so how?

The main concerns with diet soda are the phosphoric acid (which lowers calcium levels), the artificial sweeteners and the fact that it often replaces more healthful beverage choices (i.e: water, low-fat milk, etc.)

from what Ive heard, it is said to contain chemical substance that eats away the calcium in the bone marrows. Thus, causing the bone to turn brittle. I doubt about this claim but whatever it is, not advisable to drink too much pop.

Most kinds of pop (whether diet or not) will eat away at your bones. You'd have to drink alot of it though for it to do any significant damage.

Coke will remove rust from metal--imagine what it can do to your body.

Diet coke can increase your chance of getting Alzheimer's, I've read.

soda can take rust off of metal and strip paint, what do you think it does to your digestive tract, bones and teeth?? whatever it does isnt good. soda is VERY bad for you. i dont know why people drink that stuff..

Sodas, diet or not, do a lot of nasty things to your body, including your teeth. Switch to natural juices. If you need the fizz, try the Polar Spring flavored tonic waters. Personally I love the manderine orange and the pomogrant flavors. Feels like soda, but no calories, no sugar, no sodium, but very tasty!

Drinking too much soda can cause your body to draw calcium out of your bones. You should increase your daily calcium supplements by 20 milligrams for every 12-ounce caffeinated soft drink.

Not really. If you put chicken bones into Diet Coke, it will disintegrate because it is very acidic--more acidic than straight lemon juice. However, after you drink it, your body breaks it into different components. The phosphoric acid doesn't go right to your bones. That's silly.

Still, I never drink Diet Coke and rarely drink soda pop. The Aspartame in diet soda pop is very bad for you. And these drinks contain no nutritive value. You'll be far better off drinking water.

All sodas are bad, bad, bad
They put stuff in them hidden under Natural or artificial flavorings that make you addicted. Not to mention they cause bone loss & tooth decay.Drink pure water and green tea,
it's full of antioxidents and other good things.

wouldn't surprise me, it's probably aspartame or other substances in soda. if it's true, why does the government ban it? and what does alzhemiers have to do with it.

That's what I've heard, so I'm trying to cut down on the sodas.

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