Is diet pepsi a diet drink?!

Question: since it has diet in the word like diet coke or diet pepsi
is it really a diet drink if not is it wrong to put it on the bottle?

Answers: since it has diet in the word like diet coke or diet pepsi
is it really a diet drink if not is it wrong to put it on the bottle?

There are numerous studies showing that people who drink diet sodas gain even more weight than those who drink the regular (sugar) sodas.

The studies' authors didn't say whether that was a result of people drinking more sodas.

However, there are numerous doctors who insist that the chemicals in diet sodas shut down your brain's sensors of when you're full, and cause you to eat more. There are also claims that these chemicals are dangerous to your health, long-term.

The diet industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, so companies frequently use misleading claims and advertising to get people who are desperate to buy their products.

However, new research by a doctor has identified several species of parasites and a specific type of goopy plaque that if left in your bowels makes you fat, bloated, developing a pouch and spare-tire belly.

This is the cause of people’s obesity -- fortunately, this research also reveals how to stop it. It further explains that the same cause of why people get fat is also the same reason why people eventually get sick and die prematurely -- often cutting off years from their lives (not to mention the quality of their lives).

People who flush these parasites out, often report rapid weight losses up to 100 lbs or more -- and without changing a single thing about their diets. Not that you probably need to lose anywhere near that amount... but it does prove how well it works.


Depends on your definition of "Diet"

no calories but i say its still bad for you because its still coke

depends on the person and how fit they are

yup it is a diet drink as it has less fat compared to the original PEPSI...


It is a diet drink (not the healthiest one, though)

less sugar ^_^

Someone told you it has less fat that the original - funny considering there's no fat in any soft drink, diet or not!

Any softdrink that says 'diet' is in fact a 'diet' drink - meaning that is has no (or substantially less) sugar, and therefore hardly any calories.

It is all extremely abrasive on the lining of your stomach and your teeth though so limit your intake!

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