What is better for me, Coke or Coffee?!

Question: In relation to caffeine, calories and overall effects on health.

Answers: In relation to caffeine, calories and overall effects on health.

Coffee by far. Coffee has anti oxidants (if fresh). One 8oz cup has four times the antioxidants as an orange! As far as sugar goes, even if you add 1 teaspoon to an 8oz cup that's only 15 calories. Coke has 155 calories in a can.

To Shawnie: WTF???!!! Coffee isn't natural? Are you a re-re? Then steaks aren't either I suppose.

To launiquela: WTF???!!! Coffee has no health benefits???!!!
"Want a drug that could lower your risk of diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and colon cancer? That could lift your mood and treat headaches? That could lower your risk of cavities?

If it sounds too good to be true, think again.

Coffee, the much maligned but undoubtedly beloved beverage, just made headlines for possibly cutting the risk of the latest disease epidemic, type 2 diabetes. And the real news seems to be that the more you drink, the better."


Jesus Harold people! Do some homework before you bash something. What's bad for you is assuming without knowledge. Even Coke is better for you than that!

Stay away from coke, unless your into adding lots of sugar in your coffee.

I'd guess coffee but without a lot of sugar

coffee would prob be better


Both are bad. Coke is worse because of the sugar.

switch to cool green tea and juice. juice is an ancillary and works like caffine. tea is an excellent antitoxin and is great for lowering your blood pressure.

Coke will take the enamel right off your teeth.

Coffee. Waaaaaaaay less sugar!! 8)

coffee ... DECAF

1 glass of coke with 10 mentos tablets is best.

Neither! go natural!

I believe that the coffee would be better

Neither but coffee is better than coke, I had a friend who drank 3 cans of coke a day while pregnant and her teeth began to rot.

both should be enjoyed in moderation but to answer your question i would say coffe because of the calories and sugar in coke however coffe has more caffine but as i said moderation is the key

Coffee is better, virtually no calories, has the caffeine and it is not carbonated so it won't technically eat away your stomach. Drink to much of it though and it could mess up your stomach. Like any stimulant, caffeine it is addictive.

Coke is loaded with calories and sugar. If it does not destroy your stomach it will destroy your teeth from all that sugar. All the calories are empty and just add weight.

Coffee would probably be better.
Coke has phosphoric acid, caffeine, sugar, salt and carmel coloring added. All these things taken together are most probably worse than a simple cup of coffee.

Realistically neither is good for you.

Coke is worse for you. The real way that a person can make coffee bad for themselves is if they add sugar and cream.

Effects of soft drinks:

Tooth decay
Caffeine dependence
Weakened bones

Coffee is a narcotic beverage. The caffeine in the coffee belongs to the same alkaloid group of chemicals as morphine, cocaine and strychnine.

The only time I really recommend Coke is when one is ill and dealing with a rebellious stomach. Then I use Coke Classic instead of one of the other formulas.

Carbonated drinks tend to be very high in sugar (some of which is disguised as something else), and just a bit hard on one's kidneys.

Coffee doesn't have those problems, if you drink in moderation. And you can choose to not add sugar to your coffee.

I hope this helps.

Coffee has much more caffeine than soda.

Coffee! It keesp you alert and tastes great, plus you can use artificial sweeteners to sweeten it to your taste. Coca Cola has lots of sugar and acid in it. Enjoy!

Coffee. There is nothing beneficial in Coke at all, but coffee has antioxidants. (I drink both. Too much of both!)

There have been studies recently that drinking 16 ounces of coffee per day actually has health benefits. I've never heard about any health benefits at all from coke.

coke is the worse , sometime we need coffee a little. its ok to take coffee with less sugar everyday . but coke even diet coke still have sugar on it and gas too.

coffee is much better.
It has natural antioxidants, doesn't have any sugar (unless you add it to it), and isn't as acidic as Coke. Coke has 27 grams of sugar per glass, so unless you add 2 tablespoons of sugar in your coffee, you're better off drinking coffee

Coffee is always better for us, all over the world, they are learning, also, several expriences, study the research, genuin; deffinitely, 'Coke' is not good for us , also, effect for our bodies. They are selling 'Coke' and 'such varities', advertising, all over the world.

do u drink regular coke or diet coke? if regular coffe has no calories

coffee contains antioxidants which is heart-healthy
coke can dissolve an iron nail in a month....
but coke + a little captain = bliss
about the calories stuff...with coffee it depends on the sugar and milk and creamer and syrups you add
coke has coke zero...
it depends definitely
so...i choose...WATER!

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