Do tea cup yorkies have bad health?!

Question: =]

Answers: =]

LOL.. and this question is in the food & Drink - Non-alcoholic Drinks category because the dog is called a "teacup"? They really ARE a dog, ya know. LOL Too funny. How about considering posting your question in the "Pets" category. That's a fairly popular breed. I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't an expert looking there for questions like yours. Seriously consider re-posting. Or if you are attached to your points and don't want to lose another 5 for posting the same question again, plug your question right into Google. I'm sure you'll you'd get a the answer to your question in a flash.

That's random...

What kind of non-alcoholic drink is tea cup yorkie? Tea?

Only if you feed them junk and don't have their teeth cleaned.

Puppies are cool

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