What happens when coffee beans expire?!
Answers: I found this bag of Starbucks coffee beans that expired a year ago. What happens when they expire? Are they less potent? Do they go bad?
as long as there is no mold on the beans you will be fine, if they are whole beans then rinse them and then freeze what you do not use, this will help maintain what is left with in the bean. (by the way) if it is ground beans, you will still be fine, but freeze them any way. coffee in a sealed container will last for 2 years easy, and can even sit on a shelf for as long before being opened. as this is Starbucks, well you can pep it up by double brewing the pot, (standard drip maker) make it once then pour it back in again will make it stronger as well.
I don't think it will make you sick, however, the taste will be flat. They are less potent.
Coffee is considered fresh for a few hours after it is ground. Whole beans are fresh about 2 weeks after they are roasted.
If you have coffee that has an expiration date on it, figured it was roasted 1 year before that date.
What goes 'wrong' with coffee is that the oils go rancid. Until they get to the point that they make you ill from the bad oil, the 'coffee is coffee' coffee drinkers can't or won't know the difference, or care.
DO you really want to drink coffee that has the flavor of two years past it's prime?