Does any remember those bottles of "CAMP-coffee ??!

Question: and can it still be bought.?

Answers: and can it still be bought.?

Yeah Dave - I remember it from when I was a child.,
and it brings back memories of when I used to go visiting
my aunt and uncle. (They were the only people I knew that drank it). And Yes - you can still buy it. Minxy.

yes and im sure you can still get it

Yes i do but i have never drunk coffee.....

not me

UUUUUUURRRRGH....that was nasty thick treacle like stuff, pure chicory in a bottle! I have seen it a few months ago but i can't remember where, sorry. Didn't it have some scottish bloke on the front? (could be wrong) But, yes it can still be bought.

yeah my dad loves the stuff and yeah you can buy it from morrisons cause that's were my dad buys his from

Sainsburys still sell it and I know several who still drink it. It was made after the war when rationing was around and it smells disgusting but does not taste too bad especially when made with milk.

yeah coffee essence.still have it my cupboard cost about a pound something.

You can still get it in the coffee and tea aisle in supermarkets. It's quite good for iced coffee, or coffee milkshakes, but the best use is to make your own Baileys - it tastes just as good as the expensive stuff - try it!

Two of those smallish rectangular block pack of UHT single cream ('ll go off if you don't use UHT)
One small can condensed milk
Two tablespoons Camp coffee
A cup (or a mug if you're a real badass) of whisky (cheap stuff's fine)

Put it all in a bottle and give it a good shake - hey presto, Baileys!

You can get it in Sainsburys.

It's an acquired taste - but after that ordinary coffe tastes bland.

Yes i remember it well. Go to this page, there are a few sites you can order it online if you want some

Yes I remember it, when I was a child I was occasionally allowed a cup. You can still get it but it's an acquired taste! I use it for cooking now and then, coffee cake etc.

Yep they are still on sale.They have a fine Indian soldier
dressed in his No1 uniform with his Turban atop of his head
During W11 this was the only alternative to tea.
Made of the finest Chicory.A root plant i think ?.

My Mother used to use it in cakes. I don't know if you can still buy it.

It is still available and I use it when I make a coffee and walnut cake!

I remember and it was awfull! I think it has chicory mixed with it. Yuc!

Yep, my nan used to make coffee using it and when I was younger I loved it. Bought some in Asda for nostalgic reasons last year and tried it - it was horrible.

Yes I indulged now and then the rest has been said.

Yes I remember it and also the dried scrambled eggs and powdered potatoes too. They were all quite good but I havent seen any of them for a long time. when you find the coffee please invite me and make sureyou have the scrambled eggs and potato at the same time.....BUT I dont want the bombs and sirens with them thank you :D

Yep you can still get it in Morrison's.

It's still stocked in my local Tesco's.
Tastes great made with hot milk,tastes disgusting when made with hot water

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