So diet coke is bad for me............?!
ps. i know this sounds pathetic but its not a joke. xxx
Answers: i asked about diet coke in my previous question and 98% of people who have answered my question so far have said its bad for me. so my new question is what can i do now? i get mad if i run out of diet coke and am basically miserable if i dont have it to drink. if i dont have it at night i feel bad. i think its like smoking to me. how can i be cured of my addiction? what can i replace my coke with that has no calories but all the caffeine.......... should i talk to my doc? thanks.xxxx
ps. i know this sounds pathetic but its not a joke. xxx
i totally sympathise with you. Its a stimulant, plays havoc with your adrenal glands. Then when you try and give it up? Like any stimulant such as coffee, ciggerettes get one massive dose of depression cos your adrenal glands have slumped and off you go to reach for another "hit". You need to do it slowly, cut back, cut down and cut out! Its the only way. Ive just given up coffee. It took me a week. I did it in stages. But i did it and now i feel fab!
If it makes you happy drink it and don't stress about it. You are going to die, so am I, so are the folk who spend all day pounding a treadmill, nobody knows when or where so just live your life.
coke on the whole is just bad... but i dont quite know why people are addicted to it because to me it has a bitter after taste. coffee is it!!! (nescafe) all the caffeine u need.. i love it...when i need it :-)
Try replacing it with other drinks even orange for a while to wean yourself off it...I know its not a joke cos my cousin in the same...cannot function with it...has panic attacks if there not some can's of coke in the fridge...
Kind of agree with Oh No if you happy and it going to stress you out keep drinking it!!
actually the chemicals in diet are worse drink regular and it tastes better but has more calories
go to this site it should help! there are articals about diet coke!
good luck
? chag996 xxx
p.s go to the doctor if it persists!
Hey Gemma,
It is an addiction. It sounds like the caffine is what you are addicted to. Talking to the doctor would help. But the best thing to do would be to cut down and replace the diet coke with water.
You could go cold turkey for a fewe days and tell your friends and family just to get their support.
Good luck!
If people listened to half the bad things we eat and drink, it would be a sorry world we live in. Thay are always trying to scare us with something. I drink diet coke because normal is too sweet for me, I'm damned if I'm gonna stop drinking it cos some jobsworth tells me too, life is too short. They tell you to drink diet drinks cos they have no sugar to rot your teeth.
If you're desperate then drink coffee.... personally it's all a load of bull.
I dont think you sound pahetic, no do i think its funny. People have different things they get hooked on. I'm with you on this. I was hooked on diet coke, loved having it cold.... sorry!!! But when i found out its not good for me i just went 'cold turkey'. There isnt anything else thats as good. I cant drink normal coke cos i think of the amount of sugar it contains. My alternative was to drink fruit juices just so that i had something to drink besides water. But it isnt easy and if you're hooked on the caffeine then there isnt really a replacement, unfortunately.
Start to drink regular Coke - just watch the amount that you drink since it has more calories. Drink it over ice so that it goes farther. Switch to Iced teas or iced or hot coffees, hot cocoa - they all contain the caffeine that you are craving.
i sooooooo know how you feel, being a fellow coke drinker. There is a recommended caffine allowance for a person to safely consume, anything more than this is bad for your health.
Its a realy hard habbit to break, ive been trying to do so for over 15 years and usually give in to the horriable headakes that follow.
coffee and tea have caffeine, but dosent realy taste as good.
My suggestion is to cut down gradually or alternatate one cola with one juice then one cola and so on.
one major reason coke is so bad for you is the phosphoric acid added. raised levels in the blood eventually leech calcium from bones.
tea is an excellect source of antioxidants and a decent caffeine "fix" and can be taken unsweetened, or with far less artficial sweetener than sodas (green and white are very mild)
you should consult your doctor if the fatigue and malaise (yeah, im a junkie too) seems chronic. it could be that you are deficient is some energy vitamin like b12.
then again, it's just diet coke. that's not much of an unhealthy vice, A LOT of people are addicts(google cult of diet coke). you should just use in moderation and really enjoy every sip, knowing it's not good for you. Ah! it's likely something much worse is going to kill you anyway.
I had to give it up about 10 years ago and I totally get what you are saying. You can try to cut back but I had to go cold turkey. I just gave it up, I have to warn you that I felt bad for 2 weeks but afterwords bam! I feel great. I don't need anything and if I do get some caffeine, like in chocolate it's like WOW.
I have to tell you looking back at it I think to myself, "I was a caffeine junkie" and I don't like to give anything control over me.
Good Luck!
souds like your adicted or have become dependent on something or other in your diet coke. there are worse things you could be adicted to like drugs, alocohol or tobacco. try reducing the ammount you drink. maybe reduce it by a couple of onces a night.. give yourself a reward at the end of the week of a good (at least 30% coco) chocolate... yes it contains caffeine
if your looking for a caffeine hit or replacement then try strong coffee, rocket fuel and some others have extra caffeine, probably get you more adicted though so regular coffee would be better
red bull and sainsburrys offering blue bolt for a quater of the price or less has loads of caffeine, if your younger than 18 its you should avoid
As far as I know, Diet Coke contains aspartame, an artificial sweetener. This sweetener contains phenylalanine, an amino acid. The thing is, some people lack enzymes that break it down, with the result that it may accumulate in the brain, creating a disease called phenylketonuria. It is possible that most people do not sufficiently break the amino acid down, in what are called "subclinical" symptoms, including mild short-term memory loss, headache, and confusion.
try diet mountain dew
and try this test to prove something to yourself
buy a 20 oz bottle of diet mountain dew and 20 oz of diet coke and drop a penny in to each one
the coke will most likely disolve the penny so imagine what its doing to your stomach
I know what you mean, i live off the stuff. I went to my doctor recently and she was horrified at the amount I was consuming as the caffeine was putting up my blood pressure. She suggested switching to caffeine free which I didn't like the idea of at first because I could always tell the difference but I started to introduce a couple of cans of it a day along with the regular diet coke and eventually I gave up the regular and I only drink the caffeine free now. It did give me a bit of a headache to start with but I drink a lot less coke these days, I have started drinking orange juice more often than I used to, obviously that is much better for me!