How to drink hot tea?!

Question: I have a problem drinking really hot tea. After boiling the water, I need to wait at least 15 minutes for it too cool down enough so that I won't burn myself. My family members start drinking it after about 5 minutes.
My tounge gets this burned feeling that stays for 2-3 days if I drink it that hot.
Can I practice drinking hot tea? Is it something that one can get used to like eating spicy foods?

Answers: I have a problem drinking really hot tea. After boiling the water, I need to wait at least 15 minutes for it too cool down enough so that I won't burn myself. My family members start drinking it after about 5 minutes.
My tounge gets this burned feeling that stays for 2-3 days if I drink it that hot.
Can I practice drinking hot tea? Is it something that one can get used to like eating spicy foods?

I have the same issue too.

Put your cup in the fridge before you pour your tea. If you have a mug that can take the temp change put it in the freezer. You can get use to drinking tea very, very hot but then you will not be able to taste as well, so I say stay the way you are and take steps to have your tea a little cooler than everyone else.

You are actually not supposed to boil the water - it scalds the tea and the flavor won't be what it's supposed to be. The water should be almost boiling for the best flavor.

And, yes, I suppose if you keep drinking scalding hot tea over and over again, you'll eventually get used to it (or burn all the feeling out of your mouth for good!)

whut she said. u will get use to it.

Sip it Slowly

blow sip blow sip and if you wnat to drink it faster and not wait for it to cool put some ice inside and itll still be warm unless you put way too many ice cubes

Sip your tea and you do have to have the water at boiling point or if the waters not hot enough it gets a horrible foam on the top YUK!

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