Why does pepsi ??!

Question: ok when u drink pepsi on an empty stomach it kinda tastes funny and the acid hurts
but when u drink it on a full stomach its like normal !!

Answers: ok when u drink pepsi on an empty stomach it kinda tastes funny and the acid hurts
but when u drink it on a full stomach its like normal !!

EXactlkly. Because it does have acid in it.

Your stomach isn't designed for artificial acids. Food softens the blow.

"Drinking sodas, especially on an empty stomach, can upset the fragile acid-alkaline balance of the stomach and other gastric lining, creating a continuous acid environment. This prolonged acid environment can lead to inflammation of the stomach and duodenal lining which becomes quite painful. Over the long term, it can lead to gastric lining erosion." - http://www.westonaprice.org/modernfood/s...

because when u have a full stomach the acid has something to feed off of.

u should always drink pepsi with pizza or with a nice big sandwitch

Because of the rum you added to it.

No idea...I can't stand Pepsi...it tastes like cherries to me. Yuck.

pepsi, coke, and all sodas. are to me like drinking a mad scientists concoction..
no nutricional value whatsoever in these things..
why wouldnt we just walk into a lab and swig anything sitting there.. I just want to twap the dude who invented this mess
its like putting acid or caustic material inside you..
Havent you ever in grade school science class put an egg or a bone part in coke and looked the next day?.. it disolves it..
They use cola in war zones to unstick rusted up bolts etc... This stuff is high acid.... imagine what it does to your empty stomach.. eww!

Because You Should Eat Something Before Hand Lol

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