CAN u get ADDICTED TO energy drinks?!
Answers: i think im addicted to energy drinks i have like 7 a day and when i dont have any i get bad head aches so how would i get unaddicted......?????!!!!!! THANKS
They are high in caffeine, so very likely you have become addicted to them, just like people get addicted to coffee. Taper off slowly.
stop drinking them.
It's probably the caffiene and sugar.
Transition to fruit drinks and vitamin b.
Then chill on the sugar drinks in general.
You might feel better.
you're addicted to the caffeine,
and idkk drink the 5hour energy ones instead.
they don't make you crash at the end of the day.
Yes, don't drink them at all, try something else that gets your mind off of energu drinks, try drinkning healthy drinks, limit your consumption and or get rid of them completely.
wow talk about a caffine can get alot more than caffine from these drinks some have vitamin's in them,depending on what you eat you may also be overdoseing you body with the those also,so every time you want an energy drink maybe drink a caffine free soda or eat an orange at least you will be getting natural sugar and the saying goes to much of a good thing is never a little caffine will help keep the head achs away.hope this helps you some!!good luck to you!
yes u can but u can stop by drinking something else try to be carefully next time OK its just like wind
You are addicted to caffine. Gradually stop drinking energy drinks (drop one more each day), and don't worry about vitamin b suppliments. All B vits do are aid in energy METABOLISM. In other words, they are completely useless because you get them from a healthy diet and too much can harm you; energy drinks definately have too much.
As you go off the drinks, you will feel the effects of caffine withdrawl. This is normal.
Probably. My friends tell me that I'm addicted to Hot cocoa powder and mints...but they're so good! LOL. :) Did you know that caffiene (I probably spelled that wrong) is actually a drug? So...yuppers, I bet you can.
you can get addicted to anything and to stop try substituting them with something else or see your doctor
I Think You Can Addicted To Anything =S
yes it has caffine
well energy drinks have caffiene, soooo yea