Mom and Energy Drinks Guilt HELP!?!
Answers: I have a problem! I love energy drinks. Monsters, red bulls, amps, all of em! but my mom says that their bad for me and never lets me buy them. People say the taurine and ginseng are bad for me and stuff. I am 13 and use my own money to buy them. I still get them when my dad. All my friends go out and just buy them and dont ask their parents. But i have too big a councous to do that. Can someone please back me up so that i can show this to my mom?
i love them too
red bull and rockstar are my favorites!
monster's pretty good
i like them because its easier than coffee in the morning when i'm running late.
i'm 15 and have been drinking them for about 3 years now!
yes they are TERRIBLE for you
but they are pretty addicting.
if you only drink them once every other day it isnt as bad as if you drink them multiple times a day.
once i realized they were bad i talked to my doctor about the health issues with them,
and he told me that unless i'm a pre-mature born infant lacking in taurine, its not the best thing to drink.
but he also told me that it will do no damage to my body if i only drink them 4 times a week or less.
so tell your mom she can buy them for you,
but that you can only drink them every other day!
I think they're a stupid fad and hope they become unpopular soon so I can stop seeing them everywhere. What do people need all this excess energy for?
Live a healthy life and you'll have all the energy you need. This 'shortcut' method to getting everything is not how life should be.
Don't follow the crowd, yes there very tasty, but the caffine isn't good for anyone, espically if your still growing.
I'm sorry but i disagree with your mother and you.
Reason for your mother: amounts of caffine bad for you if you have it every day
could stunt your growth
you could fall asleep during a class/test
Reason for you:Yes there tasty and there is no harm for EVERY once AND a WHILE
not every day, and if the crowd sasy "Hey don't worry everyone is doing it"
you just say"If everyone is donig it, why can't you find someone else to do it with you?"
Above the influence
[Btw, if you think i don't know what im talking about, check out my best answer %]
good luck,
Maybe you should be greatful that you have a mother who loves you and wants to make sure you are healthy so you can have a fantastic mom is dead!
I agree... sorta. I also ? enery drinks but i don't think it is good to have 1 a day as a kid. Maybe 1-3 a week.