Different types of coffees?!

Question: hi
what is a Caffè Latte and Espresso and how do you make them.

how do you do a Cafetiere

and what sort of coffee do you add hot milk to in a mug

Answers: hi
what is a Caffè Latte and Espresso and how do you make them.

how do you do a Cafetiere

and what sort of coffee do you add hot milk to in a mug


cafe latte - milky coffee
espresso - strong coffee

Cafetiere - buy cafatiere coffee at supermarket

Instant coffee is what you put in a mug.

You can add any coffee to hot milk in a mug. This is fairly common in coffee shops, actually. Like some coffee drinks, it can go by many different names.
You can also add espresso. This is called a cafe latte, and that's all it is. Milk with one or more shots of espresso.
A cappucino is similar, only, there is less milk, and the milk is foamed and added to the top.
Espresso is coffee brewed with boiling water, it has a very dark roast and very fine ground, and the coffee content in the water is much more concentrated.
A Cafetiere, or french press, is a simple coffee brewing method that produces a stronger coffee. It's brewed by placing the coffee and water together, leaving it to brew shortly, then using the plunger to separate the coffee at the bottom of the jug.

To make an espresso, you will need an espresso machine. They're becoming popular for home use, and you should easily be able to find some espresso machine at a department store, or check out Gevalia, I've used theirs and have had good luck with it.

cafe latte is milky coffee usualy an ecpresso or two in milk.
expresso is a strong coffee made with an expresso machine useing expresso coffee grinds i have a machine that allows me to make expresso coffee and it has an attachment that froths up the milk so i can make a cappuccino if i want .
a cafetiere is a pot that has two seperate halves the top has a filter to put the ground coffee in and this fits into the bottom half you then pour on boiling or hot watter and then put the top half on as the watter pours through to the bottom it turns into coffee . how good or strong this is depends upon the coffee you use .
as for what coffee you use thats a matter of taste its best if you us the coffee that you know that you will like and if you do not drink coffee its all a bit of hit and miss untill you find the one that you like hope this has helped you

I like Swiss Mocha. Thats a coffee you don't hear of everyday.

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