Are you cold this morning?!

Question: I am going to make a cup of tea...........its a shame that I reach for my computer before my tea.............I am still in my night gown.....and haven't had my tea..........I am so addicted to YA?

Answers: I am going to make a cup of tea...........its a shame that I reach for my computer before my tea.............I am still in my night gown.....and haven't had my tea..........I am so addicted to YA?

Honey like I answered in one of your previous questions yes it is snowing outside and I prefer hot chocolate.(with a shot of rum).

yep i am

I'm so cold that my shoulder joints hurt.

No it's nice and warm here with the central heating on.Enjoy your tea!

It's 7 outside but got on my wooly socks and a cup of hot coffee so I'm doing Now go fix yourself some

i want tea =( I'm at work and yes its very cold outside. But other than that all is peachy! Take extra sips for all of us okay?

Actually i don't find it cold this morning, just perfect.
Ahh .. relaxing sunday. Good meal and good film and YA, great.

Yeah, it is like 65 degrees out...(frigging South Florida)
some iced tea would be great this morning

I'm not cold in my house, but, its -5 degrees out this morning with the wind chill at -20. I took my dog out to potty and froze my tail off.yes, it is very bitterly cold this morning.I am also making a nice hot cup of tea.

I woke up that way but now that I am on YA I'm feelin' fine! thanks for asking!

so am i lol and yes im always feeling cold i feel the cold easy....

The thermometer outside my window say's it's 6' f outtside. Yea, I'd say it was cold. I feel ill, but don't dare call off, as I'm a Packers fan and that wouldn't look good on NFC Championship Sunday. Maybe someone will decide I look green and send me home.


yeah im cold
but i dont drink tea or coffee

I drink green tea every morning.(mountain dew)

somewhat yes....


True, so true. I usually check out Answers as I am having a cup of coffee.

Yes, it is cold here in West Texas this morning. Somewhere in the 20's.

Yes I am but where I am(midwest USA) it is only 15 degrees!
I'll take some hot cocoa though!

It was chilly this morning, but I went for the hot shower and coffee before I signed on to the computer- lol!

Yea i was

Hi Sweet Judy, Lol... I was the same when i first came to Q.A.
The newness will wear out in time. Have fun and enjoy..Yes Judy it was cold this morning and still is and dropping..
A Friend,

I thought I was cold until I read the message about someone who said it was -20 with the wind chill factor. Now, I don't feel quite so cold and yes, the automatic heating system is running pretty much without cutting off.
And 65 degrees in Florida is not cold. It would be perfect rather than the scorching 90+ degree weather I suffered through this summer. Where I live, we traded 100+ degree weather in August for a milder 90+ degrees in Miami and it was still hot. But we still enjoyed our trip despite the heat and had a wonderful time. And we left out fair share of $$$$ there for you to enjoy. We went to visit South Miami Beach, Florida and it was not exactly what some folks would consider an inexpensive summer vacation, but it was way cheaper than going overseas, plus our "Brat" started school later this year than usual and we needed to get back home to get him ready.
I just checked the thermometer and I honestly don't believe that it is accurate because it feels a lot colder outside than what the weather thermometer is reading. I am a very hot natured person, by nature, so I tend to like 40 to 50 degrees F. weather. Anything above 72 degrees tends to be too hot for me. And anything below 32 degrees is usually too cold, especially if the wind is blowing. But I can turn up the heat, put on my sweats and socks, and if I'm still cold, wrap a blanket around me keep me nice and comfortable.
And the temperature has already started dropping some more since I last went outside, so we are in for some pretty cool weather here, but not freezing cold. :-)

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