Who still drinks coffee and why?!

Question: There has been so many studies during recent years, that coffee is unhealthy in many ways:
causes high blood pressure, hyperactivity, panic attacs, miscarriage to pregnant women, high colestrol, cancer, skin problems....
so why? is it so strongly brainwashed habbit thru police movies and table culture or is it just an easy éxcuse to sit down and talk trash?!?

Answers: There has been so many studies during recent years, that coffee is unhealthy in many ways:
causes high blood pressure, hyperactivity, panic attacs, miscarriage to pregnant women, high colestrol, cancer, skin problems....
so why? is it so strongly brainwashed habbit thru police movies and table culture or is it just an easy éxcuse to sit down and talk trash?!?

Yes, definitely a habit. I only drink a cup or two in the morning and to be honest...I enjoy various teas more but still drink that coffee in the am. So yeah...habit for sure!

I still drink coffee cuz it keeps me warm and gives me energy when I go to school


It is an experience. Wine are consumed only in certain occasions, but for coffee, it accompanies you through many and any life experiences.

Many people recalls event from the aroma of certain coffee, and that is the power of coffee. It is not the drink itself that draws people to it, it is the experience that they can get from sharing a cuppa with their love ones...

I drink a cup every morning to wake me up before I exercise. I also enjoy the taste of a good coffee.

funny...Ive heard the coffee is the best anti-oxidant available.

I drink coffee because I like it and it goes well with cigarettes.

It's the same as smoking cigarette's, scientists will find out all kinds of bad things about it and why people shouldn't smoke, but there are smokers out there! They can ban places like restaurants and bars, and even if they make it illegal, people will still smoke.

I seriously don't think that coffee is as bad as smoking or even all this hype over it. Look at how many centuries people have been drinking coffee...

cos i hate tea and hot malted/chocolatey drinks so coffee really is my only salvation!!!!!and it tastes gooooooood.thing is ,if we listened to the FDA and their equivalents,we'd all be living in fear of everything.too much red meat can kill you,eat 5 veggies etc a day or you'll die,don't dye your hair cos it gives you brain tumours etc blah blah blah - there's already too many do's and dont's and at some point,you have to ignore the warnings and get on with a normal life. well that's my philosophy on life - it wont apply to all,but i dont want to fill up on vitamin tablets cos i'm too afraid to enjoy life i case something happens.peace xx

Aloha from Down Unda!
ummm....errrr.....hyper-activity, eh?....ummm.....errr...I donno butta me tinx it's got sumthin tahdo wid...

I L I K E C O F F E E ! !

I've only been drinking it since 1968 when starting my 1st office job & 'routinely', 'habitually', 'brainwashedly' Black, 1 sugar & STRONG! No milk, no 'cinnamon', no 'chickery', no 'latte' & don't even THINK about 'decaf'!
It's of particular importance [to me] to reflect that there are some very important factors to convey:
~A clear clean tempered glass mug [16oz] with 3 heaping tablespoons of any ole instant coffee & 1 tablespoon of sugar is daily breakfast, sometimes with buttered toast, sometimes twice, usually no more til tommorow.
~Coffee in afternoon is extremely rare, never at nite.
~The best coffee in the world is 100% Pure Kona from HawaII
~The rare occasion to have coffee 'out' must be "Double Expresso" [with a block of ice to cut the heat]
Studies? I gotcher studies! Everybody everywhere drinks coffee & it is addictive, unhealthy & yada-yada-yada...'Pish-Posh'. You ain't seen unhealthy til you git tween me & my morning coffee!
Best wishes!

well studies have also proven that coffee can be healthy it can help regulate blood pressure, it helps against muscle sore and arthritis,... coffee is perfectly healthy when used in reasonable doses.

But aside from that I like the taste of coffee and also you can't wake me up without it

If you believed the results of all the studies, you would never eat or drink ANYTHING! I enjoy both coffee and tea, neither cause me any ill effects - I can drink coffee at night and still sleep peacefully. I don't enjoy beer or wine so I shall continue to drink my favourites.

I do, because I enjoy it, and if you worried about every single food scare they announced we'd all eat nothing. Everything in moderation is my motto.

I drink Decaf coffee just because I like the taste of it.

I love coffee coz it has special aroma. and i usually drink coffee went I'm in bad mood or when I'm really busy and don't have time for lunch. but i don't make it as a habit. it not a must to me. some time i need the extra kick to boost up my day.

I drink coffee because I like the taste. It doesn't cause any skin problems, I haven't been pregnant or plan to get pregnant, my blood pressure is very low, and I don't mind the hyperactivity. there you go

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