Soda vs Kool-Aid?!

Question: Which one is better for you? Regular Soda vs Kool-aid made as directed (one cup sugar per 2Liters).

please don't say you shouldn't drink regular soda, if you drink soda at all it should be diet or drink water

Answers: Which one is better for you? Regular Soda vs Kool-aid made as directed (one cup sugar per 2Liters).

please don't say you shouldn't drink regular soda, if you drink soda at all it should be diet or drink water

Kool-Aid, in an 8oz serving it has less sugar that Coca-Cola

27g vs. 16g

also Kool-Aid has added Vitamin C, which you cannot get from Coke.


I say diet because it has less sugar than most drinks like kool-aid,and regular sodas

I think that all soda has to offer is bone dissolving, chemically unbalancing the body with its carbonation.

Use koolaid, I use half apple juice in mine and half water. Reduce the sugar by half or more.

man im in love with vitamin water its soooooooooo gooooooooood

of these two evils, the least is the Kool-Aid, even if you go by the recipe.

if you absolutely must drink sugar water, consider using less sugar (try it with half, seriously you won't miss the sugar) or using honey instead of sugar. at least honey has some nutritional value (filled with antioxidants).

Kool-aid is the better of the two.

they're both bad for you!!!just drink water all the time

Kool aid! A little less sugar and no caffeine.

kool laid

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