What do you drink more of each day?!
Answers: coffee, tea, water, soda, diet soda, juice, what???
Since I've been dieting, I drink way more water now. But before I was all abotu soda.
orange juice or water
milk ,4-5 glasses a day
Soda i know its bad but im an addict
water - especially ice water
energy drinks most often
It depends on if it is a weekend or not... Water during the week, and tea during the weekend. I also drink coffee almost every morning.. Black.
water and juice
iced tea
COFFEE!!! I drink too much!!! HELP!!!!!!!!! Coffee and water, thats all I drink!
probably soda, water, and coffee =]
Bottled water. I ALWAYS have one in my hand!!
I have always preferred water. I'm trying to drink more tea because it is good for you. I start each morning with a cup of coffee and only drink one later in the day if I'm really dragging. Starbucks is only a monthly treat, its expensive and high in calories.
diet coke or diet dr pepper
if theres orange juice ill take it over anything else lol.... then grapejuice, soda, gatorade, then water .... well water comes 2nd if im really thirsty because the rest of the sugar beverages dont really cut it
Water, it's the best for you.
Water. Not my first choice for taste, but I do it for better health.
hot tee for now. It's snowing out, and freaking cold...
Tea and water equally. I drink a cup of hot white tea and chase it with a glass of water to keep it from staining my teeth.
1.soda and juice
milk, water and tea
tea, works better than coffee
use to be addicted to energy drinks, dont know why, they taste like **** and are expensive!