Does a frappuccino have coffee in it?!

Question: I'm sorry if that is a stupid question... but does a frappuccino have coffee in it?!?! I'm not aloud to have coffee, but I know that there is a drink at starbucks that doesn't have any coffe in it. Thanks a ton!! & plz dnt make fun of me for not wanting to drink coffee!!!!

Answers: I'm sorry if that is a stupid question... but does a frappuccino have coffee in it?!?! I'm not aloud to have coffee, but I know that there is a drink at starbucks that doesn't have any coffe in it. Thanks a ton!! & plz dnt make fun of me for not wanting to drink coffee!!!!

Hi, I work at Starbucks.
The Decaf Frappuccinos have decaf espresso
The regular coffee frappuccinos do NOT have espresso. They are made with a coffee flavored mix as well as coffee-flavored dairy.
The creme base frapuccinos (Vbean, Strawberries and Cream, etc.) do not have any coffee in them.
There is a regulated way we make frapuccino base, people really don't know what they are talking about unless they work there.

Hope this helps.

yes it has espresso

It depends on what kind.
Some, such as the cafe vanilla, do not.
Also, the ones at gas stations do not.
But few do at starbucks

The way a lot of places make it, it would be hard to prove. But if you like 14 types of milk preperation you'll love it.


depending on the frapp yes they do, they creme frapps dont have any coffee basically if they are brown they have coffe, if they are white they have no coffee in them. i hope i helped :)

not all frap do have coffee. you have choices coffee based frap or non coffee based frap

some of non coffee based frap:

vanilla cream frap
choco cream frap
strawberries and cream
green tea frap

the blended creme ones dont have coffee in them!
and they're reallyyyy good:)
you should try the vanilla bean frappucino and strawberries & cream frappucino.

I am a manager at Starbucks.

The coffee frappuccinos do have coffee in them! Chelsa, who posted earlier, is wrong.

The Decaf ones do not have caffeine, but they do have decaf coffee.

The Blended Cremes have no coffee, period.

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