This sounds stupid-how do you make a cup of coffee?!

Question: I am 15 yrs old but my mum who usually makes it is out on an inset day. Could somebody tell me please so I can have a morning drink!

Answers: I am 15 yrs old but my mum who usually makes it is out on an inset day. Could somebody tell me please so I can have a morning drink!

If you're using instant coffee, just put the coffee in a mug and add hot water, plus milk and sugar if you want.

If you're using a cafetiere (those push-down things), put a scoop of coffee in the bottom of the cafetiere, add hot water, stir, wait a little, then push down the plunger and pour.

If you're using a coffee machine, then you're best off looking at the instructions for the particular machine, as they vary.

Interestingly, coffee is best made with very hot, but not quite boiling, water. This is because boiling water tends to make the coffee taste too bitter. For instant coffee, however, it doesn't really make much difference.

Enjoy your coffee!

put cold water in the kettle. press it on 2 boil, put a t spoon of coffee in cup sugar if required same as milk then add water when boiled. if havint t pop t bag in cup put boiling water on top mix a bit then take t bag out there u go .

you must first boil water, i am not sure how strong you need your coffeee but put a tea spoon of coffe in your cup, 2 tea spoon of sugar, 2 tea spoon of powder milk, you can even use fresh milk if you like fresh milk, pure water into your cup and stir. go ahead and enjoy your coffee.

heaped spoon of coffee in a mug, pour boiling water, add sugar and milk.

If you have a coffee machine it's easy. Put a filter in the black holder that slides in and out, put about 1/4 cup coffee in it. Fill up your coffee pot, make sure there's another underneath or either fill up about 3 cups water in another bowl or pot and pour into the top of the coffee maker, where the little door opens.

At 15 your Mum still makes your drinks????? My kids were taking their turn at it long before 15!

Instant coffee - one spoonful in cup, add hot, not boiling, water, add milk and sugar to taste, stir.

Note for future: Ask your Mum to teach you the essentials so you don't starve or dehydrate next time she's out.

with a coffee maker

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