Doesnt starbucks frappucinos have a ridiculous amount of calories?!

Question: They are good and i only drink them occasionally but dont you think 600 calories for a large coffe drink is too much. Its almost 1/2 of what u are suppose to consume in a day!

Answers: They are good and i only drink them occasionally but dont you think 600 calories for a large coffe drink is too much. Its almost 1/2 of what u are suppose to consume in a day!

They have a lot of sugar, plus the fat from the milk. They're not bad if you consider them as a dessert rather than a 'cup of coffee'.

Also there is portion size. We have gotten used to bigger and bigger portions, and we don't realize it. Coca Cola used to come in 6-oz bottles, but nowadays we go to McDonalds and a large drink is like 32 oz! A 'cup' of coffee is 6 oz! But who drinks 6 oz of coffee? The -smallest- size at Starbucks is 'tall' (there is a 'short', 8 oz., but you don't even see it on the menu.) If a Frappucino was 6 oz, it would be only about 50 calories!

All of there stuff is off the charts! I guess that is why they came out with the skinny latte for those of us that want to eat also

try looking at different ones, some have fewer calories than others.


Yes, it is ridulous. Have you every tried Starbucks Frappuccinos Light? They reduce the calories by 1/3.

Well.... yea duh! That's why they taste so good! My kids (they're 12 & 14 by the way) ask for them too but it's only as a treat once every 3-6 months and definitely decaf! We're not getting them hooked on coffee or caffeine yet.... maybe when they start crammin' for exams....

It is ridiculous, but unlike most coffee shops they provide leaflets with nutritional information on them, and theres always the lighter options, so at least you have the information and a alternative before you have one.



I started working at starbucks in august, and we are allowed to have free drinks while we are working. It gets bad, Ill have an 8 hour shift and consume like 4 days worth of calories. Put my two weeks in though. We have a book underneath the counter that tells you all the nutritional facts for every drink. Even like simple things, I drink the Mochas a lot the calories cut in half if you get non-fat milk, no w-creme, and half the amounts of pumps. Sucks though, you taste the diff, and the costumers are paying the same price. But yea its mandatory that book, you just have to ask the who ever is waiting on you.

yes..its horrible for you...

Yes there is a ton of calories but you need to see Starbucks as a treat and not a necessity. Go on their website, look at their nutritional facts, and create your own drink that fits your needs. A tall caramel frappuccino light is a little over 100 calories and it tastes great. I would always make that for customers and they are shocked when they find out the calories are so low.

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