Should i drink this milk??!

Question: it says jan 23
and its jan 24..?

Answers: it says jan 23
and its jan 24..?

Should be perfectly fine. Milk does last past the sell by date. You just don't know how it's been stored during transport and while in the warehouse. But since it’s winter, I’m sure it stayed plenty cold. Just smell it first- if it smells ok- then it’s fine to drink.

i wouldnt take the chance especially with milk.. throw it out

not with milk - unless you boil its first....:)

Yes. Jan 23 is the sell by date. It is good for at least a week after that date!

1 day isn't gonna make it go bad-I wouldn't drink it tommarow though.

You have a week from the date on the carton before you need to start to worry. Now if you left it out all night, I would advise you to toss it out. If you really want to be sure, smell it. But it should be ok with that date on it.

I would sniff it first before taking the first sip. If your refrigerator is set at one of the cooler setting its probably still good. For example if some think on the lower shelves occasionally get a little ice on them, its set very cool.

It should be good for about another week. January 23 is just the sell by date. :)

Sure...there's nothing wrong with it, keep in mind the date on the milk containers is a SELL BY Date, not a use by, I wouldn't keep it much longer, but you should be fine for a few days, this is of course assuming it doesn't smell bad (which is pretty obvious when milk goes bad)

Milk is supposed to be good 7 days from the date stamped on the container. It varies a lot depending on whether or not the temp was maintained below 40 F. If it smells or tastes sour, don't drink it, otherwise it should be fine.


Well, usually, the written date is at least 7-14 days before the actual expiry date. But depending on how the milk been treated, it can expire faster.
But it will probably just taste bad at worst, shouldn't be a threat to health.

as long as it smells okay, it should be okay to drink

You should be fine- smell it first!

smell it if it dont smell bad its alright. u can also look at it if its not curtled it should be fine. u should have a few days after the due date.

You shouldn't drink milk anyway.

Humans are the ONLY mammal who use milk beyond infancy.

you should be fine smell it first

It depends on how fatty the milk is. Usually, low fat milk goes bad before whole milk. If the milk smells bad, it's not worth taking a chance.

i wouldnt! mostlikly...o.k....

NOOO Dont do it, unless you like chunky milk

Sounds gross... but take a tiny taste. You'll KNOW if it's not good... trust me!

If you just took it out of the fridge and it has been in the fridge till today...then I think it should be ok. Just dont take too many days to finish it.

if it smells ok, why not. Usually, those stores sell it by Jan 23, so I assume you would have at least 3 days to drink it.

it's not good to drink, but it's alright to make fudge with it

if u want the recipe email me!

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